Privacy Policy
Contact Form & reCAPTCHA v3
Use of the Contact Form on this site uses the WordPress backend to generate a one-time email to the admin of this site. The information you enter into the form is not stored on any server (other than the email servers required for the communication) and is the equivalent of directly sending an email to the admin. By submitting a message via the contact form, you are consenting to transmitting your information in this manner.
This site uses reCAPTCHA v3 to prevent spam. By using our contact forms and the associated CAPTCHA, you are subject to the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Mailing List
By signing up for our mailing list, your email and any name (name not required) you provide us with will be stored on our local server for the sole purpose of sending email notifications regarding site updates. These emails are sent via the MailPoet newsletter service; their privacy policy can be found here.
This information will never be used for any other purpose, nor shared with nor sold to any third party. You can remove your information via the “Unsubscribe” link in every email, or by contacting the site owner directly through the Contact form or directly at
Use of Webfonts
This site uses the Google Fonts service for styling purposes. Information about Google Fonts’ user privacy can be found by following this link.